
Snow White Zombie Apocalypse: Volume 1

Created by Brenton Lengel

Snow White awakens to Prince Charming's Kiss...28 days later. The first trade of the Ringo Award-nominated dark fantasy series.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 2 years ago – Fri, Jun 03, 2022 at 11:10:14 PM

Hey folks,

Thank you all for being so patient with me, and for your support of my work. There's been some personal and family stuff going on on my end that has been eating up my bandwidth. Bottom line: the book together is taking longer than I'd anticipated.

However, I am happy to report that now that it is out of the way, I can share with you the extra work I've been doing on the stretch goal rewards!


Hmm, who's this creepy blue viking lady? And are those elf ears?

I am SO excited to introduce you to a NEW VILLAIN(ESS) who will be debuting as our High Priestess Card before appearing for the first time in SWZA #5.

This character is someone brand-new that I poured a ridiculous amount of creativity into. I don't want to give away too me, but suffice to say, I think she stands a chance of being a real fan favorite...and now you can own the first bit of media she's on!

Also, it's not just creepy blue ladies who you'll be able to get the first printed debut, check out who we've got for The Hanged Man

This is a villain who will be showing up around issue #7. TECHNICALLY some of you have seen him before (check out the back of SWZA #1) but never this well realized.

There are three more cards inbound for this campaign. Also! Do any of you guys love Magic the Gathering? I grew up on it, and still have fond memories of getting destroyed in comic shop tournaments as a middle schooler.

As such, I'm super excited to be revealing the first six SWZA "MtG" cards. We have:

That's one nifty card back!
Ooh! The giant has a name!
A bit of the old ultraviolence.
I always though "lands" were under-utilized

There are many, many more cards in the works. These are so fun to make and hit my "nostalgia" button in exactly the right way, so expect to see more and if they prove popular enough, maybe we'll make an entire playable SWZA game!



SWZA Vol 1. Backerkit Surveys + Patch & 1st Tarot Reveal!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 11:35:11 PM


That was a heck of a campaign wasn't it? Sorry for the radio silence, due to some technical issues, Kickstarter took much longer to pay out than it normally does, and this slowed everything down.

Look for our Backerkit Surveys to launch and land in your email inboxes next week!

Anyway thanks to you making the last kickstarter our most successful SWZA campaign ever Brent and Autonomous Collective have been scrambling to get the book with all of its supplimental material completed, AND get you some of the coolest Stretch Goal rewards yet!

So, here's the first round:

Strength Card:

This bitersweet Tarot Card represents mastery raw emotions. It is similar to the Chariot in that it represents overcoming challenges. However, in the case of Strength those challenges are internal. 

This is the card for overcoming the obstacles we face in relation to doubt, fear, and anxiety. It is a sign that you have it within yourself to be courageous and daring.

As such The Woodsman and Rapunzel are the perfect characters to embody this Major Arcana.

Everyone who pledged at The Book ($35 + S/H) level or higher will receive the Strength card absolutely free--if you didn't you will be able to add it on once the backerkit launches. 

Autonomous Collective Patch:

This patch is 3.5" x 3.5"and fully woven (no cheap printing). You can iron or sew it onto whatever you like! 

As a reminder, everyone who pledges at The Book ($35 + S/H) level or higher will receive one free and there will be an opportunity to add it on via the upcoming backer-kit as well!

SWZA Logo Patch:

This patch featuring SWZA's fancy NEW logo is 2" x 4.5" and also fully woven with an even finer thread than the AC patch. It is also high quality iron-on, and can be sewn on to a hat, bacg, shirt or jacket.

It is FREE to backers at the Alpha Wolf level and beyond! ($50+ base pledge, including add-ons, not including s/h) and the rest of you will get the chance to add it on to our upcoming backerkit surveys, so keep an eye on your email boxes!

Thank you so much for everything you've done. Thanks to you this book isn't just happening, it's going to be something VERY special.


Stretch goals unlocked! Los Errantes Preview + Indiewire & Inebriart
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 12:00:14 AM

Okay guys, I think it's safe to say that you have demolished each and every hurdle I threw at you. I genuinely did not think this KS was gonna go this far. Thank you for proving me wrong.

The SWZA Patch has now been unlocked and I will be making the SWZA "Magic" cards. People who gave at $35+ (including add-ons, not including shipping) will get one card, people who gave at $50+ will get the whole set for free.

Final, Final, FINAL Stretch Goal

So, I have ONE final stretch goal: *if* we can hit 400 backers (at any level), I will be sending out a signed, embossed and numbered Kit Buss "Duck" print to everyone who backed at the $30 level and above. I will also be commissioning a brand-new print from a secret *incredible* artist to go with it, (also signed, numbered and embossed)

You guys are absolutely incredible. 

Indie Volt Panel:

I was recently a guest on indie wire. Here's the panel if you want to watch:

I was also a recent guest on the Inebriart Podcast feel free to check it put wherever fine pods are cast.

Los Errantes Ashcan

So, I don't know how many of you also backed my other series Durruti: Shadow of the people (the first issue of which is available as an add-on) but I wanted to show you how the Los Errantes prequel ashcan has been coming along. I am already getting pages back, and folks, they look beautiful:

I love how pissed off that horse is.

This Ashcan dramatizes a REAL chapter in Buenaventura Durruti's life when he was worldwide Public Enemy #1, hiding out in Cuba, trying to organize sugar cane workers against cruel bosses and savage landowners.


Okay, so here's TWO MORE books you should check out. The first one being an anthology known as 

Cthulhu Invades Wonderland

This is a GREAT anthology, that honestly fits very well with SWZA. They're doing great, so check them out. and jump on this train for over 200 pages of terrific art and story!

Miskatonic High #14

Sensing a theme here?

We've spotlighted Miskatonic High before. This is a terrific series, with great art that's been going for quite a while now. Obviously, I'm a fan of literary mashups and like the previous kickstarter, the creative team has a ton of fun riffing on HP Lovecraft. Definitely check them out.

Here's to an incredible campaign and twelve more hours of SWZA!


New Stretch Goals + SWZA interviews + New Character Reveal!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 10:25:10 AM

Hey folks, quick update here,

I want to congratulate you on breaking our most recent stretch goal. Luana and I will be releasing a new set of (six) Major Arcana tarot cards! As before, everyone who backs us will get a digital wallpaper copy AND everyone with a *base* pledge of $35 (not including shipping and handling) will be receiving the "Strength" card absolutely free! 

As such, we now have TWO *NEW* stretch goals: If we can break $19,000 in the next two days, I will be creating and releasing the very first Snow White Zombie Apocalypse iron-on/sewable patch:

This patch will also be available to everyone who has pledged at least $35 (Not including shipping) absolutely free.

AND if we can break $20k I will be releasing an even cooler patch at the $50 level: 

So, those of you at Alpha Wolf and Above don't need to do anything, but if you're at a lower level and you want these patches, I'd suggest including some add-ons or just upping your base pledge to a total of $50 if you for instance, want the earlybird trade paperback.

Those of you who followed Durruti know that the quality of these patches is really a step above the regular kickstarter faire, so here's our most recent patch so you can get an idea of what this will look like:

These are going to be amazing so I'd highly recommend making the jump to Alpha Wolf.


I love the "Wheel of Fortune"symbol on her back.

So, this the the design for a BRAND NEW SWZA Character, which some may recognize from her debute in the SWZA Major arcana. Who is she? Well you'll just have to wait and see...

She's based on my friend and the second actor to play Rapunzel on stage: Mirari Sithole of Netflix's "Black Mirror" and "Master of None" . Here she is in the 2014 Estrogenius festival


I streamed several podcasts while doing the publicity, Definitely check this one out:


So, I have been REALLY bad about updates this time around (due to being in a time crunch as I try to complete a commissioned screenplay). Here's some amazing books you should really check out:

ARKS #1-#3

So this is just a REALLY interesting Scifi project. Anyone can write a comic about space, but R.J Collins and A. Morris went like eight steps beyond and based their story on a current, theoretical method for achieving Extra solar travel. If we are ever to attempt it, it will likely involve a method of space colonisation known as - Directed Panspermia.

They've been working on this project for TEN YEARS, so definitely pop over and give it a look.

Queen of Mars #1 & #2

So, I normally stay away from "Blue" books...which is a habit I should probably change as everyone else on Kickstarter seems to love them. However, I found this one really interesting. The art has this great classic feel to it, almost like early Heavy Metal Magazine. It's definitely worth a look.

God Summoner #1-#3

That crow with the tomahawks ALONE

This kickstarter deserves like, ALL the attention. The concept is solid, the art is great and everything is just SO imaginative. Consider this a stand-out deep cut that you should absolutely support. I certainly am. Hell, the fact that they thought to make Magic: The Gathering-type cards as some of their stretch premiums is just absolutely INSPIRED. Expect for me to steal...errr, BORROW this awesome idea at some point in the future.


Okay, you folks should know by now that I am a fan of mash-ups and reimagining. However, the idea to tell the classic Lewis Carol tale in a "Bladerunner" universe has me slapping my forehead and wondering why I didn't think of it. 

They have 9 days to go and still need to hit their goal so definitely drop by and make sure this book happens.

AC Patch UNOCKED FINAL Stretch Goal +
over 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 10:24:32 AM

Hey folks, with less than two days to go I am happy to report that we are LESS than $300 away from unlocking our FINAL stretch goal!

Everyone who has pledged $35 or more (including add-ons, not including S/H) will receive the Strength tarot card *AND* the Autonomous Collective Patch *absolutely free*...and if we can JUST get another $300ish dollars before the end I will announce a NEW stretch goal and send everyone who gave $50 or more  (including add-ons, not including S/H) the first official SWZA patch for free as well!

Thank you so much for making this campaign such an overwhelming success. I can't wait to get this book to you!


Okay, so there is a *terrific* horror anthology comic you all need to know about. and it's called:


I absolutely LOVE everything about this book (and am backing it) There's just so much classic horror to it, and the art is absolutely solid and interesting.

Anthologies can often be a real toss-up in terms of quality, but with what Morsels has to offer I'm confident that you'll love this book. They have only 30ish hours left, so don't wait, check them out and pledge.

 Tomb of the Black Horse

So, I met the guy behind this book Ian, on the Blake's Buzz podcast, and I really liked the cut of his jib--so I checked out the series, which he describes as:

"Cosmic horror meets corporate malfeasance in this bloody thriller that's perfect for fans of Ice Cream man and The Silver Coin! TOMB OF THE BLACK HORSE is a 36-page full color comic book lavishly produced by Comic Printing UK and personally fulfilled by the two creators.

Benjamin and Ian continue their exploration of global threats through their unique take on the apocalypse. Whether it's intolerance, misinformation, war, or inequality,  the TOMB series tries to be more than just a scary story; it pulls emotion from the real threats that keep us up at night."

All in all, great art, a fun premise, executed with care, intelligence and heart!

Definitely give them a look. I grabbed their full digital bundle!
