SWZA #5 is DONE! + EXCLUSIVE cover-reveal for Durruti #3 + NEWEST SWZA Challenge coin MINTED!
4 months ago
– Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 07:01:26 PM
HEY Folks!
Been a hot minute.
First off: before you do anything, go pre-follow Durruti: Shadow of the People #3. Lord knows I'm sick of saying it, but it's true: Pre Follows are CRITICAL to a campaign's success.

Even if you don't get the book (you should) it takes five seconds, and it tells the kickstarter Algorithm: "This is a worthy project that people like and support" which translates into more people seeing the Durruti #3 campaign, which results in more pledges--meaning we are much more likely to hit or exceed our goal.

All profits beyond the initial book will be rolled over into SWZA, SO, If Durruti does well, so will SWZA!
So go do that. Right now. (It's okay, I'll wait.)

If you want to know HOW and WHY this particular cover came to be, I'll tell you further down the page:

WE DID IT! Thanks to YOUR support SWZA got its THIRD Ringo Nod!

Ultimately, we lost out...to JEFF FRIGGIN' SMITH of BONE.

As he's one of the greatest living cartoonists in the whole damn world (if not of all time) I'm beyond overjoyed that our scrappy little book is getting REAL recognition, not just from readers, but now we're also catching the eye of multiple comics industry greats!
Back in 2019, no one in comics even knew who we WERE. Now, just a few years later we're getting real recognition from fans, critics, and fellow creators AND that's due to you guys!
WE DID IT! (Again) SWZA #5 is DONE.

At long last the first completely original SWZA comic since Issue #0 is out digitally, and will be printed and shipped early next year (2025)
As Promised, here's the THIRD SWZA challenge coin! This was the hardest one to make, (Oh my god you have NO idea) but I'll tell ya, it was worth it!:

The runes are Elder Furthark, and they all translate. On the heads side you see Queen Skuld Half-Elven in all of her imperious glory.

The runes say: "By Fate and Blood Unbound." Also, notice the "web of weird" rune in the bottom right. That is the "Master Rune" which contains all other runes. Also, notice the nod to Berserk, with the brand of sacrifice on the skull.

The Runes around the outside read: "Skofnung Sings Aloud in Skull and Bone". You see a dragon twisting around the blade, on which is a traditional Icelandic kenning. The Kenning reads: "Tyr's Razor-Sharp Trollhammer".
The larger symbols are the Valknut (top left), a raven (associated with Odin) and the bottom left has the triple mead horns, which is a traditional symbol for Odin and is mythologically associated with poetry.
The smallest symbols are: (top left to top right):
1) A Trollcross, which keeps away magical creatures.
2) Gungnir (Odin's magic spear)
3) A Celtic "Shield Knot", which guards against physical harm.
If you haven't already gotten your coin go get it right now. You missed the $10 50% off sale during the campaign BUT you can still get this set of three for $30.

Durruti Cover Reveal:
FINALLY we're here, and now I can tell you why this is my single favorite cover of all time:

Now, I know what you're all thinking: "WTF is The INFINITY GAUNTLET doing in a comic about Durruti?"The answer is...well, when I was first writing Durruti, during my research I found out that Franco was an absolute NUTCASE (big surprise).
In particular, during the Spanish Civil War, Franco carried around the actual severed hand of a SAINT like it was the f%*king nuclear football! He took it everywhere he went. He slept with it under his pillow. He literally died clutching it.
The hand in question was the hand of St. Theresa De Avila and...well I'd probably better just show you. Here it is:

When you add on that Durruti is quite literally "The First Avenger" and he had a real-life "crossover" with Nestor Makhno...a literal winter soldier, well. This right here was the moment that I decided the universe wanted me to tell Durruti's story, and to tell it specifically as a comic.

And as he had a real-life "crossover" with Nestor Makhno...who fought in Ukraine in December, at -4 Degrees, The first avenger has a crossover with a literal winter soldier.

Well, This right here was the moment that I decided the universe wanted me to tell Durruti's story, and to tell it SPECIFICALLY as a comic:

The book itself is gorgeous but there's just no way I can finish the lettering & production without your support, let alone print enough copies:
Whether you're new, or just getting into my work, if you liked literally any story I have told, you will LOVE Durruti #3. The book is a labor of love and boasts some impressive artistic chops as well (ESPECIALLY Issue #3. I want to tell you but I also don't want to spoil the surprise.
As such, just in case you're still reading and you haven't done so PLEASE pre-follow the campaign. Even if you're hard up for cash, this is a free way that you can help in the collective work of telling Durruti's story to generations who will otherwise forget about it.
All you have to do is click the link below (or on any of the images) and then click "Notify Me". It takes five seconds. Shares are also helpful and appreciated.
>> Click Here to Pre-Follow Durruti #3 <<
There's also a TREASURE TROVE of breathtaking Durruti premiums which will be available at a discounted price, during the first few days of the campaign.

Thanks for everything. You'll hear from me again soon with some other cool stuff that I'm really excited about.
-Brent & Co.