
Snow White Zombie Apocalypse: Volume 1

Created by Brenton Lengel

Snow White awakens to Prince Charming's Kiss...28 days later. The first trade of the Ringo Award-nominated dark fantasy series.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

SWZA Vol. 1 HC has begun Shipping! + New NPCs D20 T
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 09:19:35 PM

Hey folks!

Quick update: wanted to pop on here to let you know that I got the SWZA Vol. 1 Hardcover reprints on Christmas Eve:

And the first major mailing of them have already gone out:

These books are HEAVY and thick. GREAT quality. I can't wait for you to get them:

This fiasco with the misprinted SWZA Vol. 1 books has seriously hurt me this holiday season. I was supposed to have fulfilled SWZA and Durruti #2 already but couldn't without the hardcover. 

Now I *have* the hardcover and fulfillment is almost done, but that means I can't run the kickstarters to I had planned until a month or two later than intended, which just gums the whole process up.

So, if you want to help out, and would like to get some cool stuff at the same time, here's some suggestions:

Snow White Zombie Apocalypse Vol. 1 Hardcover Misprint:

$30 Signed, Numbered and Embossed

We've already had a huge response to the NPCs Misprint collector's version particularly the $30 Early Bird version, Which has just ONE discounted book left!  However, there are also 9 discounted books left specially for you guys:

If you want to get a reconstituted version where you have all the comics and poems that were cut off, you can grab a fixed/reconsituted version with $80 worth of books and comics for just $50!

SWZA Major Arcana Tarot Pack

Finally, if you want something really special, I've added the three signed and numbered Cruxshadows Tarot Cards for a special price:

We also have:

NPCs Premium Cotton D20 Tee!

Available in Mens/Unisex and "Girlie" Cut

AND, for the edgier among you:


And of course the classic: 

Thanks folks! Holiday has been stressful but it's so exciting making comics for you!


Clarification on Last Update + FREE Original Crüxshadows Christmas Song
10 months ago – Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 01:40:52 PM

Hey folks, 

So, first let me apologize. As I mentioned in my last update, I hadn't slept for over 48 hours, due to a perfect storm of life, family, holidays, and kickstarter stuff, and as such I put something of a garbled sentence:

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

 Thanks sleepy Brent. That was very informative :/

So, if anyone was wondering why it's not a good idea to post complicated instructions, after not sleeping for 48 hours, THAT'S why. :/

When I did the updated last night, some of the original text remained and my overworked brain just didn't catch it. This is a very small operation and I've been burning the candle at both ends for a while to get all of this taken care of as fast as possible. That's not an excuse, but it is a reason. 

Mea Culpa.

The sentence SHOULD have read:

 "If the books arrive IN time THIS week, I HOPE to have everyone's books in the mail before the end of THIS week, so that (at least for those in the USA) they will arrive before New Years!"

 ie: My printer got the SWZA Vol. 1 Hardcover reprints back from the book binders on Friday 12/15, and told me that they would be mailed that same day and should arrive sometime THIS week.

Once the shipping pallet arrives, I will pick them up, immediately inform you, and do my best to finish fulfillment. 

So I HOPE to have all books in the mail to you before the end of THIS week, as in Saturday 12/23. However, as my wife has pointed out, Christmas is 12/25 so I think this may be overly hopeful. 

As you can probably tell, Autonomous Collective is a VERY small operation, but the takeaway is, despite the logistical and financial bomb that was the misprinting fiasco, I'm doing everything I can to get you the books as fast as possible. 

In the meantime, if you want to help me out, purchasing the Misprinted Vol. 1 at the $30 Early Bird, $40 Standard, or $50 Reconstituted (Below) would be very much appreciated.  

 The Tarot Cards are also a great choice:

All 22 Major Arcana by Eisner Winner Luana Vecchio just $25!

New Cruxshadows Christmas Song!

As most of you know, I am collaborating on a fantasy novel with Rogue, frontman for the international chart-topping Goth/Darkwave Band The Cruxshadows!

Every year Rogue puts out a FREE christmas song. It's on his website right now. Go DL it. I did. It's amazing. 

And it's not just one song, there's basically an entire Cruxshadows Christmas album there.

And yes, this is really free. It's a great way to get in the holiday spirit AND listen to something new or a new take on old classics. All that's required is that you consider a suggested donation, to support his work and keep this tradition going:

Cheers! You'll hear from me again soon!


SWZA Vol. 1 Misprint + NPCs Backerkit + Durruti #2 In Mailboxes
10 months ago – Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 11:41:57 PM

Hey Folks!

So first off, I have good news: I have worked out the SWZA Vol. 1 reprint! 

If you have any idea just how freaking expensive these things are to print (especially in the United States) Well, let's just say that I'm very grateful that everyone involved really came together and between the three of us we managed to find a way to get the books reprinted and as soon as they get to me, I'm gonna be sending them to you!

As of Friday, Printer has told me that the HC's had arrived in their warehouse and they were shipped out by the end of the day. Here's the picture they sent me of the packing crate being shipped out:

Awww! Looks like it's wearing a party hat.

I have since asked for a tracking number, and I expect to get it tomorrow. They have assured me that they have personally checked the books for errors this time, so we shouldn't have any surprises. 

I will let you know the absolute *second* they are in my hands. If the books arrive on time next week, I hope to have everyone's books in the mail this week, so that they will arrive before Christmas, or at least New Years! 

And on that note, I now have another problem: What to do with the 200 misprinted books? Well, I got creative, and with your help, Here's what I came up with:

 SWZA Vol. 1 Misprint (Collector's Item):

The book, as it turns out, actually isn't in that bad shape. It's really only 3 2-Page Spreads, and luckily it was cut in such a way that you can still tell what's going, SOOOOOO:

If you're tapped out, or just want to wait until you get your other stuff, I totally understand. There's 200 of them, so I doubt they're going to sell out anytime soon.

Though I should tell you, I've actually made the first ten of them only $30 as an early bird special.  So if anyone wants to give one of these misprints a good home, and on the cheap, and help me keep my head above water until I get SWZA #5/#6 out early next year, I'd sure appreciate it:

$30 Marked down from $50 Only 10 Available at this price!

What's that? You'd love to help but if you're gonna drop that much money on a book, you'd Like to get ALL the content?

Say no more: 

$80 worth of books, for the Original $50!

This signed and numbered copy of the SWZA Vol. 1 misprint comes with SWZA #2, SWZA #4 (2021), and Durruti #2! 

Each issue has one of the three misprinted 2-page spreads!  You won't miss any art at all, AND We're even including the Neil Gaiman poem so you miss absolutely nothing. 

You can order all of these off the NPCs Backerkit -- Which is now live & in its final stages of launching,just waiting on Backerkit to give me the A-OK!

And on that note: 


If you've been collecting the Tarot up till now, these four will complete the set. Each and every card is drawn and colored by Eisner Award Winner & SWZA #0, #3-#5 (2023) artist Luana Vecchio. We will be launching a campaign for the minor arcana early next year! If you want to get in on this:

The cards are absolutely incredible, and thanks you YOU we will have a full set soon! 

Even with everyone sacrificing to get the books reprinted for you, the misprinting of 200 Snow White Zombie Apocalypse hardcover books was absolutely devastating, both for my finances and my schedule. 

I actually had planned to be finishing out the campaign for Durruti #3 and getting ready to Launch SWZA #5 right around now.  

However, I didn't want to run either of those until fulfillment was done on both Vol. 1 ...and I can't finish that fulfillment without the HC Graphic Novel...which is now in the mail. 

So barring a giant meteor (which at this point, I'm not ruling out) I think we're finally through this creative bottleneck.

And on that note:

DURRUTI #2 is hitting Mailboxes! 

There's still alot of fulfillment to do, but I am moving heaven and earth to get these books to you. As you can see, I've added a ton of extra swag to make up for the wait, and you know that I make the BEST swag on Kickstarter.

And speaking of which:

Durruti & Makhno Calvin & Hobbes Mashup T-Shirt!

I very rarely print shirts, this is because they are insanely expensive to print in small quantities in the USA, and I don't like the idea of going overseas if I can avoid it. 

Like literally, the shirts I put out are so rare, that a guy at one of my last cons traded me a handmade silver crown for the literal shirt off my back. No I'm not kidding:

Gem is Green Chrysocolla mined in Peru.

Honestly, even if it hadn't been such a great deal, I'd've done it just for the story. Like I was literally *WEARING* that shirt. Had to run to my hotel room and swap it out for the Makhno flag.

Anyway, if you want to get anything, I cannot express to you just how helpful it will be. I've had the rug pulled out from under me these past two years more times than I can count...but still. When I decide to do something I NEVER give up. 

I have more to tell you about (there's some really good stuff in the pipeline, BUT I have been up working on this for more than 48 hours, doing everything I can to make this happen and keep you guys updated. 

As such, I'm getting a little punchy and need to collapse. Expect another update in the next few days. 

Anyway, point is I'm making moves, and things are finally beginning to break (hopefully in a good way). Lots to talk about, can't wait to get all of you your stuff. 



NPCs Funded + SWZA Vol. 1 Still Fulfilling + Hardcovers MISPRINTED
11 months ago – Thu, Nov 09, 2023 at 06:58:20 PM

Hey guys,

So I had meant to have an update to you much sooner. In fact, I expected to be showing you copies of the finished SWZA Vol. 1 Delux hardcover. And indeed all 200 did arrive from the printer on Tuesday (and they look GORGEOUS):

However, when I opened our books...this is what I found:

Literally the *very* first page.

What you are looking at is two seperate pages...forced into one. It seems there was something major that went wrong with the printing process and the printer well...

Well, they didn't even bother to check that the very first page had printed correctly. 

And unfortunately it's not just the first page:

What you are seeing, is several two page spreads, *printed as a single page* and they're all like this, which, at this point, makes the hardcover essentially unreadable...and I'm stuck here with two hundred useless books and until they make good on their error, I'm out several thousand dollars. 

I am SO SORRY, this has been just devastating. I have been working like mad to make this the best book possible, and I DID...and then someone else's incompetence hobbled me *anyway*.

There are some other details that I could get into but I want to give the parties involved the chance to make this right. If they don't...well, I guess I'll have to find some new people to work with. 

I want to make something clear though: No matter what you WILL be getting your hardcovers. I have never failed to deliver on a creative project and this will be no different. Once I decide to do something I absolutely NEVER give up.

Please be aware, *if* those who screwed up can fix their mistakes, I should have the reprinted books in a week or two. If they don't, or drag their feet, or fight me on this I will be revealing more information as this is just...unconscionably unprofessional and in the interests of transparency I'll be sure to let you know exactly why this happened and whose fault it is.

This is not a defeat, it's just an obstacle and one I am beyond confident I can handle, so please continue to have faith in me and my art.

Now, on to happier matters:


There are no breaks on the NPCs train.

Thanks to every one of you who helped make NPCs a thing! This is our third series and the perfect companion piece to SWZA and Durruti. If you still want to preorder the 46-Page inaugural double issue you can do so here.

Now, I've got to get back to fulfilling SWZA & Durruti. I may be under water for a while as a result but I *WILL* come up for air.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


SWZA Vol1. Mail + FREE sticker + NEW SERIES: "NPCs: Myth, Magic, and Retail"
12 months ago – Sun, Oct 08, 2023 at 06:12:12 PM

Hey folks!

So I'm happy to announce that fulfillment for SWZA Vol. 1 has begun!

Identifying info redacted for privacy.

Some of you have already received your books! (Though if you haven't, don't worry yet, odds are I just haven't gotten to it.) 

Since you folks were waiting so long, I've included many additional goodies to reward you for your patience, you will get SOME of the following: 

Including but not limited to the above

To make it fun, not everyone will get the same stuff, but I have made sure to give everyone extras of equal value, in proportion to . your pledge level.

However, there is also one exception: 


This is the newest SWZA sticker that I had printed specifically for backers of the SWZA Vol. 1 Kickstarter Campaign. It will be given out to everyone who pledged to this campaign while supplies last!

The first fulfilled will be those with the simplest orders, within the USA. If you're overseas, bought lots of add-ons, or got the hardcover it'll take slightly longer.

In the meantime: 

FREE Premium NPCs Sticker

Speaking of new stickers, check this bad boy out! 

ft. the art of Kit Buss, Adam Bryce Thomas, Juan Francisco Mota, & Alonso Molina Gonzales!

This sticker is of exceptional quality, and you can get the first printing absolutely free! All you need to do is pre-follow the NPCs kickstarter & Pledge at "The Book" level or higher in the first 24 hours of the campaign!!

In case you've been living under a rock, NPCs is my newest series, a collaboration between myself and Zac Xeper, frontman of the queercore punk band Dogpak Dissidents. Here's a preview of one of our exclusive variant covers!

"Record of Price Wars" by Adam Bryce Thomas

I REALLY love making these for you guys, this one is a tribute to one of my favorite classic anime series Record of Lodoss War! 

Zac and I have been friends for years, which is why it's SO exciting to finally make this collaboration public! If you're a fan of the fantasy genre in any respect: Books, Movies, Videogames, you name it! You're gonna LOVE NPCS:

Art by Kit Buss of Critical Role Campaign 1 & Cloven Bloodlines

It helps to have as many pre-followers as possible at launch, so even if you're not sure you're going to pledge to this campaign, just by following it, you help make this brand new series a reality!

So what are you waiting for? 

>>>Click here and smash "Notify Me" to help bring some hilarious geeky work into the world!<<<

