Snow White awakens to Prince Charming's Kiss...28 days later. The first trade of the Ringo Award-nominated dark fantasy series.
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SWZA Digital Update + SWZA #1 LEGENDARY + Razom Fundraiser
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, Apr 06, 2023 at 07:10:12 AM
Hey folks,
So, first thing's first the SWZA Vol. 1 work is still taking longer than expected. However, what I am getting back is GORGEOUS so it will be worth the wait--Here's a little taste of what I can show you without spoiling anything. First up:
SWZA Vol. 1 Digital Update:
Promotional Pictures for the Original Ten-Minute Play
Back in 2010, when the show was only ten minutes long and was just titled Snow White Zombie our director, the incomparable Leta Tremblay got everyone together for a photo shoot in central park. These images (shot by Brian Hashimoto) wound up being so iconic that they went on to inspire the book itself.
From (top) left to right we have the entire main cast: Parker Levinter as Rapunzel, Adam La Faci as Prince Charming, Lucia Brizzi as Snow White, Joshua Conner as The Big Bad (Granny) Wolf.
It's been over a decade since then, and everyone has gone on to do some amazing things, but looking back on this time I'm struck by just what an exciting time that was.
I'm absolutely nuts for the Tarot cards getting worked into a series of arcane glyphs. Dunno exactly what kind of magic I'm unleashing by doing so, but whatever it is, It'll definitely be interesting. ;)
The covers gallery is arranged by artist, AND features a look at what's to come...which, spoiler gets even crazier than what we've seen in SWZA #1-#4.
So hang in there *just* a little bit longer. We should be getting the finished digital PDF and then going to print the same day.
SWZA #1 Legendary Release:
Beyond the scout re-release (Which sold out issue #0 AND issue #1 before the books even hit the shelves) I am happy to announce that Scout Comics is releasing a special, LEGENDARY version of issue #1. What does that mean? Well, in your local comic shop you'll be able to get an *insanely* rare version of SWZA #1, which is entirely in black-and-white so you can fully appreciate just how intricate and magnificent Hyeondo Park's Inks are. I mean LOOK at this:
This version is gonna go quick, so if you want to get it, ask your shop to pre order it for you. SWZA usually sells out in just a few hours, but, you my backers know about this before anyone else does, so you can be sure not to miss out.
So, if you're a backer on Durruti #2, the digital issue is actually going out tonight. I wanted to remind everyone to go and grab yourself a copy of the Razom for Ukraine exclusive cover, featuring Ukrainian anarchist Nestor Makhno mowing down white Russians with his tachanka:
Since I have no presence on Indiegogo, I could *really* use your support, and you'll get an exclusive "Calvin & Hobbes" style Durruti Print absolutely free:
The goal is just $1500, and 30% of each pledge will be going to Razom for Ukraine, but I'm gonna need your help to get us there. If you haven't gotten Durruti #2 yet, or even if you have, please go and pledge. You'll be glad you did and you just might help to save someone's life AND get a great, rare comic at the same time.
One of my favorite things about putting out comics on kickstarter is I get to tell you about other awesome creators and champion books I believe in. This one is put out by Tpub who did Amputation Capital (which I also plugged).
This book has a Bloodborne feel to the art, and has JUSSST the right mix of "gore" and "gorgeous" sure to excite any horror fan, so go check em out.
NEW Tarot Cards + Bluebeard Download + Durruti Fundraiser for Ukraine!
about 2 years ago
– Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 05:58:06 PM
Hey folks,
So, great news! Production on the SWZA Vol. 1 Graphic Novel is into the final stretch, I should have a PDF version to you very soon, and then you'll get the book itself shortly thereafter.
In the meantime though, I wanted to announce that the Special Edition of SWZA #0 has finally arrived, and I will be mailing out the copies to backers over the next two weeks!
Now, for you folks waiting on the graphic novel I've got a sneak-peek at one of the bonus stories that come with the book:
Intrigued? I certainly am. Since crafting her with Ralf Singh I have positively fallen in love with SWZA's newest witchy seventeen -year-old peasant: Trephine.
So, check your kickstarter messages for an early DL of the first 11 pages of the first installment of the all-new, chilling tale of Bluebeard!
SECONDLY, I'm happy to announce that the script for Durruti #3 is currently being inked by Juan Francisco Mota, but while we wait for that, I'm happy to give you folks a preview of the first MINOR Arcana SWZA Cards:
So, since Durruti #2 features Nestor Makhno so prominetly, I thought it might be a good idea to help to get critical mutual aid to his home country of Ukraine, specifically to aid civillians who have been injured and displaced by this senseless war. So here's what I cooked up:
"From these unfolding vistas of human misery, man must forge convictions, call other men his brothers, and fight for freedom...When love of oneself and others gains the ascendancy in life, man will become the authenticauthor of his own existence...We will march together down the path of enlightenment and knowledge, we will leave the shadows behind and stride towards a common ideal: A life both free and fraternal."
- Nestor Makhno (November 8th, 1888 - July 25th, 1934)
This is a special edition cover of Durruti #2, that features Nestor Makhno in his younger days, battling the White Army of Russia with saber, pistol, and tachanka!
Durruti #2 artist Juan Francisco Mota has painstakingly rendered Makhno at each major phase of his life, and AS Durruti meets him in his twilight years. This exclusive cover is a fun way to celebrate Makhno and his accomplishments as he struggled to free Ukraine from those who sought to conquer her:
You'll notice that this campaign is not on kickstarter; it's an indiegogo exclusive, so make sure you head over and provide a working email so you can get notified at the campaign's launch. This is super helpful, and the more people we have pre-following the higher Indiegogo's search algorithm will rank us, so even if you don't want the book, please follow anyway.
If you do, EVERY PRE-FOLLOWER will get a special Makhnovist patch absolutely free (with "The Book" level order & above). The patches recently arrived, and folks, they are so freaking cool:
That's about it for now, next time you hear from me, the book will be shipping!
Cheers (and Solidarity)
SWZA #0 IS HERE! + Durruti Spanish Edition + New Patches!
about 2 years ago
– Sun, Jan 08, 2023 at 08:23:06 PM
Hey Folks!
Popping my head up for the final SWZA production steps--in the meantime I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your support as I continue to tell these incredible stories. I actually finished writing Durruti #3 LAST NIGHT (BTW it absolutely rules!) but while we wait for that, I wanted to show you some fun new merchandise that you will be able to purchase via the Durruti #2 backerkit I will be sending out sometimes in the next few days.
This is based on the real-life battle standard of Nestor Makhno, who is a national hero of Ukraine and the Cossack Leader of The Black Army, a peasant army over 100,000 strong! (He's also in Durruti #2)
It's kinda perfect because, hey "Skulls" I think skulls are in like 50% of my artistic work to date...wait. Uh oh:
This will be available on the upcoming Durruti #2 Backerkit and Pre-order Store.
Some of you may remember the backerkit for a special edition book that combines all 3 "Blood Covered King" ashcans into a single issue! Well it's done, and will be sent to the printers *THIS MONTH* and if you weren't able to back that zoop, you can get it on the SWZA Backerkit!
There's no new content with this, it will be included with SWZA Vol. #1 but for you collectors out there, this is bound to be an extremely rare issue.
The Digital Edition isbeing messaged directly to your KS accounts so if you want to read it, there's the place!
From the beginning, I knew that this story, while internationalist and universal, was also fundamentally a story of Spain. Therefore I have sought to translate each issue into spanish...which is hard because I don't speak Spanish. Enter Gabriel Fernandez-Gil and Hugh Mann Adamson of Enon Films.
Hugh and Gabriel have full translated Durruti #1 working on #2 and Los Errantes as we speak!
But as anyone who has ever translated a comic knows, it's not a simple process. Hence we are launching a 100% Spanish Language kickstarter to cover the translation, production, and distribution costs!
If there's enough interest I will also be releasing a second patch and maybe even an enamel lapel a pin as well!
Aand most exciting, by popular demand we will also be releasing this for your desktop!
That's it for now! Keep an eye on your KS messages and email mailboxes as I'll send out an email after the latest Backerkit launches!
SWZA Vol. 1 is *IN PRODUCTION*, SALE: Blood-Covered King Coin, FREE Original Christmas Song
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 12:36:42 AM
Hey Folks!
SO! I know it's been a long time coming but I'm happy to report that the supplemental material is FINALLY done.
The book is at last in production...meaning as soon as Joel is done with putting it all together, it can be sent to the printers and distributed to each one of you!
As a bonus, I wanted to share with you a preview of some of the photos from the ORIGINAL CAST of the stage play all the way back in the Year of Our Lord 2012:
Parker Leventer as Rapunzel
Adam La Faci as Prince Charming
Samatha Blain as Late Rotten Riding Hood
Lucia Brizzi as Snow White
Original Play Postcard
Things have REALLY come a long way, but it's also really cool to see how many things have stayed the same.
So if you haven't gotten on board with Durruti #2, now is the perfect time to--we are less than $1500 from our first stretch goal AND I will be releasing a second "Los Errantes" Prequel Ashcan, chronicling another, earlier chapter in Durruti's life and adventures, for EVERYONE who donates.
Even better, if we can just manage to hit $12,000 in the next five days, that ashcan will be in FULL COLOR and every single one of youwho donate will get a free digital download!
Now to help with that, I've added some NEW add-ons, and they're AMAZING:
Makhnovist Patch/Sticker
So first off, we have a BRAND NEW Woven Patch, and it rocks:
This striking image is by Durruti #2 artist Juan Francisco Mota and is based after Nestor Makhno's battle standard. It is available with TWO variations: a woven patch and a sticker. Both will be high quality (in the case of the patch the quality will be similar to the Adelante! patch from last time) and 4 inches x 3.5 inches. (so it will fit easily on a shirt, jacket or ballcap) and the sticker will be a bit bigger 5 inches by 4.33 inches.
The slogan is Ukrainian and reads: "Death to all Who Stand in the Way of Freedom for Working People"
So, to help us hit that goal and make sure that you get the bonus comic in full color, I have also added another goody--and at a special discounted price. It's also ironically very relevant to Durruti as those of you who have read Durruti #1 know that he isn't overly fond of kings:
It's 1.75 x 1.75 and HEAVY with a satin gold finish. A head and shoulders above what most KS's offer in the coin department. There's also a twist as this depicts the likeness of Prince Charming's father, known as "The Blood Covered King"(because he's got turned into a zombie and has been literally raising hell ever since), but AFTER an angry peasant has gotten their hands on it and chiseled his opinion onto his face. (The design is actually based on hobo nickles)
These first sold for $25, and now regularly selling for $20. I am willing to let FIFTY go for just $10 (and no additional shipping). So, if you've wanted one for a while but the price wasn't right now is the time to grab it.
So, as you folks know, I'm heavily inspired by music and I LOVE sharing it with you...and this holiday season is no exception. Here is a FREE download of a new christmas song (a version of Goria) from my friend and writing partner Rogue of Crüxshadows.
The download is free, the song is fully produced (by a goth/electronica band that beat out Madonna and Beyoncé for the #1 dance hit in the world in 2005) and REALLY good if I do say so myself.
OH! Also, it looks like just a few of the discounted Durruti #1 Printing Plates just became available again after initially selling out, these are usually $50 so if you want an utterly unique one-of-a-kind collectible, that already sold out once, make sure you grab it ASAP.
These are the ACTUAL plates that were used to Print Durruti #1, there is only ONE of each, and all are signed by me and come with a certificate of authenticity, identifying them as 1/1.
Durruti #2 Funded! SWZA Bonus Content Ready for Lettering! Cyber Monday Sale!
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 10:33:26 AM
Hey Folks!
First off, wanted to give everyone an update for SWZA Volume one. The bonus material is *at long last* completed and has been sent to the letterer. Once it comes back the last thing to do will be to complete production and send the book to the printers!
I am absolutely beside myself. In less than 10 days Durruti #2 hit its goal. If you are one of the people behind this book's continued success, thank you. Once again you have shown up and made a book I wrote happen. Thank you so much for helping me to tell Durruti's story to the world!
To celebrate, I am launching a special "Cyber Monday" deal: 50% off on SIGNED Durruti Printing Plates:
These are the *actual* aluminum plates from the first offset printing run of Durruti #1! That means that EACH PLATE is 100% unique and can never be replicated.
They exist for all 22 pages of Durruti #1 (66 in total) and come with my signature, a certificate of authenticity, and are available in Blue, Black, and Red.
These are normallyavailable as add-ons for $50, but as a special one-time deal I'm letting exactly 10 go forjust $25 each:
As part of this promotion you will get a random plate of a random color.
If you want a specific page and color message me and we'll work something out.
Note that as these are actual printing plates, the images themselves vary in quality (many have scratches and smudges left over from the process). I will be giving out the highest quality ones on a first-come first-served basis.