
Snow White Zombie Apocalypse: Volume 1

Created by Brenton Lengel

Snow White awakens to Prince Charming's Kiss...28 days later. The first trade of the Ringo Award-nominated dark fantasy series.

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FREE DIGITAL ASHCAN! + New Pages! + Durruti Shadow of the People is LAUNCHING 11/22/22
about 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 06:43:26 AM

Hey everyone!

Since we're still waiting on the SWZA graphic novel, I wanted to extend a bonus DRM-Free comic to you, as a Thank you for waiting so long! Without further ado, here's what you're getting: 

Los Errantes Ashcan:

Los Errantes is a ten-page ashcan that chronicles Buenaventura Durruti's adventures before the Spanish Civil War. Specifically, his undercover efforts to organize plantation workers in Cuba. Can Liberty prevail in The Pearl of the Antilles?

Find out as "The Wanderers" navigate the bloodsoaked fields of Cuban sugar cane.  This issue is drawn and colored by Ralf Singh (Artist for Bluebeard) and inked by Christian Docolomansky.

Check you Kickstarter PM Box for the Download link and code.

The Impure

Did I mention Ralf Singh? Because he's also about to launch an incredible project you should also check out:

Ralf is terrific to work with (he's doing a new SWZA story with me right now) so definitely give his newest graphic novel a follow!

Durruti #2

At long last Durruti #2 is about to launch on Kickstarter! Click below to pre-follow the campaign, which will go live at 7:00 AM this coming Tuesday 11/22/22!   This issue is especially cool, because it's a REAL LIFE CROSSOVER between two historical legends: Buenaventura Durruti and Ukraininan national hero, "Anarchy's Cossack" Nestor Makhno:

Makhno (Left) Durruti (Right)

"From these unfolding vistas of human misery, man must forge convictions, call other men his brothers, and fight for freedom...When love of oneself and others gains the ascendancy in life, man will become the authentic author of his own existence...We will leave the shadows behind and stride towards a common ideal: A life both free and fraternal."

- Nestor Makhno (November 8th, 1888 - July 25th, 1934)

Lovingly called "Batko" by the women and men who served under him, Nestor Ivanovich Makhno was one of the most colorful and compelling heroes of the Russian Revolution: a saber-weilding Cossak at the head of a great peasant army perhaps a hundred thousand strong. Makhno was a born leader and "strategist of unsurpassed ability," whose Black Army (The Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine) possessed a "truly epic capacity for organization and battle."

In fact, some of you may have noticed the black flags being waved by the crowd in Durruti #1. Those were actually french versions of Makhno's Battle Standard:

Ukrainians sure don't mess around

After defeating the Czarist White Army and virtually winning the war for the Reds, Makhno was instantly betrayed and forced to flee his own country. He eventually settled in France where during a clandestine meeting the aging anarchist became personally acquainted with public enemy #1: Buenaventura Durruti.  And that's where Durruti: Shadow of the People #2 begins:

It was exhilarating to write this real-life meeting between two titans of history, and Spanish artist Juan Francisco Mota has rendered it in exquisite detail:

I am SO excited to be able to tell this story. Despite how cool all of this is, the sad fact is many people have never heard of either of these two men, let alone an IRL "crossover" between "The First Avenger" and a literal "Winter Soldier"...which has inspired some positively *incredible* pages:

And badass marvel-inspired variant covers: 

So, let's make sure this story explodes onto the scene with exactly the amount of gravitas these two real-life heroes deserve!

SWZA Bluebeard

Finally, we have some cameos making an appearance, and oh my lord is this color gorgeous: 

Thanks so much for your support!

Click to Pre-Follow the Durruti #2 Campaign Here. 

It takes a second and even if you decide you don't want to get this particular issue, the more people we have pre-launch the better Kickstarter's algorithm will treat us!


Brenton Lengel

SWZA Vol 1 is being colored + SPOOKY POEM: "Anathea" + Spanish Durruti
about 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 09:52:07 PM

Hey everyone,

So, I know the page has been quiet for a while--thank you for bearing with me. 

At the moment all of the line work is done, and I am waiting on all of the color to come back for the supplemental material. After that I just need to get it lettered and the book can go into production.

I'm going to be including some additional supplemental material as well (from my other series) as an added bonus for waiting so long. In the meantime, check out some of the MINDBLOWING color work that's bringing Ralf Singh's linework to life:

I love the early autumn reds.
Scapulamancy + Lighting

We also get our first look at our villain, the eponymous Bluebeard!

Something about those red gloves...

 And oh yeah, there's a dead giant i the background.  ^.^

This prequel is taking forever but turning out way better than I had anticipated! In fact what's super exciting is that this AMOST feels like the beginning of an animated movie! (Hopefully it will be one day).


Also, Haloween was a little while ago BUT I wanted to make sure to share this with you. It's a free DL of a narrative poem written and performed by my longtime friend and collaborate Rogue of Cruxshadows:

This spooky, sad, complicated poem has equal parts Poe and Kipling and sets just a perfect mood for fall giving way to winter. Feel free to DL it and share it with your friends.

 Durruti (and SWZA) Translations!

So, I'm happy to report that Durruti #1 and Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #1 have BOTH been translated into Spanish, and I will be running a kickstarter soon to cover the cost and put out a special edition:

If you want a copy (or just want to help us out with the algorithm), you can pre-follow the FULLY SPANISH LANGUAGE KICKSTARTER here. 


SWZA Vol. 1 Preview + SWZA #0 + Durruti #2
over 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 04:56:38 AM

Hey Folks!

So, it's been a hot minute. Just wanted to catch you up on where everything is with SWZA, Durruti: Shadow of the People, and my other work.

Snow White Zombie Apocalypse is in Stores!

First of all, Snow White Zombie Apocalypse will be getting a full SIX ISSUE RELEASE via Scout Comics, starting with Issue #0:

To celebrate, I'm releasing a special edition issue #0 via Zoop:

Zoop is a new Crowdfunding Site, that Only Does Comics. I'm just now getting a foothold with them, so if you can, you can pop over there and secure your own special edition SWZA #0 with this badass cover by Durruti #2 artist Juan Francisco Mota:

If you could toss me some mutual aid, please click on the link and enter your email so you can get notified when we launch. This helps the site recognize that this is a comic people are interested in and therefore gets more eyeballs on the campaign. Also, you can celebrate the launch of the series with a special LIMITED EDITION cover before the series blows up in comic shops nationwide!


So, I know things have been quiet on this front for a while. The reason why is that there's been a TON of work going into translating Durruti #1 into spanish and coordinating with the CNT for the European release! Also, I've been working diligently through the script for Durruti #3 (and SWZA #7) while making sure Juan and Anna get Durruti #2 exactly right.

This upcoming issue features a REAL LIFE Crossover between Durruti and Anarchy's Cossack Himself Nestor Makhno the leader of the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine!

I couldn't believe it when I realized these two giants actually met. I'll be launching a campaign soon to publish this book, so keep your eyes on this and the Autonomous Collective kickstarter page!

Finally, I've gotten some more art back from Ralf Singh and Kit Buss for their additional SWZA Content! Here's some more preview pages for Bluebeard:

Jesus that lightning bolt.

I am just really falling in love with the work Ralf is doing here and am looking forward to getting this story to you AND bringing Trephine into the SWZA World!

I just LOVE this character and really love how Ralf is drawing her. 

Additionally, here are two preliminary character designs from Kit!

This story will be pulling on Arthurian and Celtic mythology. I'm SUPER stoked for where it's going to go, as we will be exploring the series of that mysterious knight from the Helios tarot card! 

Thank you for your patience and your support! And please if you can make sure you enter your email address to follow the release of the special edition SWZA issue #0. I'm a little nervous to be branching out to a new crowdfunding site and you have no idea how much your support will help!



SWZA #0 + DragonCon 2022 + NEW CHARACTER REVEAL (SWZA Vol. 1 Update)
over 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 12:23:48 AM

Hey folks,

Thanks so much for supporting Snow White Zombie Apocalypse, and thank you for being patient. I've been working non-stop these past few months trying to wrangle SWZA Vol. 1. It's been extra difficult this time around due to scheduling issues, a paper shortage, and life responsibilities, as well as *several* new projects that I think you're gonna love. For instance:

Pretty Mysterious. Also whose that in armor in the bottom left?

I'll explain what that is just a little ways down, but to keep you in suspense, first let's talk about...

Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #0:

So first off: I'm happy to announce that Snow White Zombie Apocalypse will be hitting comic stores, as a six-issue mini series starting THIS October 2022! The run will cover the events of the Blood Covered King all the way up to SWZA #4, which will get everyone caught up to where the series is now.

The best part is, we're starting with SWZA #0 which is being released as a 22-Page PREQUEL issue AND before it hits comic shops nation-wide, I'm releasing a special SWZA #0 edition which you can get through Zoop, which is a crowdfunding site similar to kickstarter, except all they do are comics!

Reign of the Blood-Covered King, released as a 22 page prequel comic!

Now, there won't be any new story in here, (you're going to be getting these 22 pages as part of SWZA Vol. 1) -- BUT for collectors this is a big deal--Once SWZA hits comic-shop shelves, you can show off your own special edition copy, with your name in it, that you got a month early! Plus, you'll help expand this comics reach to the good folks on Zoop!

So if you could, please click this link and put your email in so you'll be notified and so the site's algorithm know to show SWZA to as many new comics fans as possible!

SWZA Vol. 1 Update

So, I've been hard at work doing my best to get SWZA Vol. 1 to you. Unfortunately we hit a snag--the bonus content was going to take much longer than I initially had planned. This is my fault as when I was planning for the book to be ready for print, *I didn't consider that both my bonus stories were going to be 22 Pages Each!*

That means I basically ran a kickstarter to produce a 150+ page graphic novel AND had to write, ink, color, letter and edit on top of that.

Good job past Brent. I'm sure that totally WON'T be twice as hard as you thought it was ;) 

So I had a choice: release the book without the bonus material, and send the rest to you digitally, OR grit my teeth, and get to work at delivering to you the best possible book no matter when it's ready.

I chose the latter--and I'm glad I did, because the work I'm getting back from Kit and Ralf is really exceptional. For instance:

Feels almost like Studio Gibli in the best way possible
And closer up, it's evocative of one of my favorite comics: Bone. Also hey! Bone Magic!

So who's this new character? And what in the world is she doing with that shoulder blade?

My friends, allow me to introduce you to scapulimancy -- the ancient art of divining the future by cracks in rune-covered bones.

SWZA is a very magical world, and it's one that's absolutely full of these sort of historical, mythological and occultish deep cuts.

So, now we know that there are at least three forms of magic in the SWZA world: Bean Magic, Bone Magic, and whatever is causing the zombies to rise!

And as for who our young scapulimancer is, meet Trephine:

If you're wondering what her whole witchy deal'll have to wonder a little bit longer...but I have a clue. Here is her antagonist:

What is up with that beard?

Now, if you'll remember you've actually seen this character before.

I am SUPER excited for where this story is going, and remember, this is just one of two!

Also, I have another HUGE thing to announce:

DragonCon 2022 (here's where the first image comes back into play):

I have just recently started attending cons again, and I'm jumping back in with both feet!

I will be at DragonCon Sept. 1st - 5th  with both Scout Comics AND Cruxshadows. Depending upon the time, you'll likely find me either at the Scout Comics table, OR with the Cruxshadows at their booth in the Marriott Marquis (the same one they shot Hunger Games and Loki at). 

So if you wanna come by and see me and/or the band I'd love to meet you, AND I will have some super-rare SWZA Merch you can snag.

Also, Rogue (the guy who writes and performs every song that has appeared in the SWZA KS videos) and I have a special event,

In fact, he and I will have our own panel, where we will be reading a sneak peek of Afterall, our fantasy novel set in the afterlife, that is nearing publication! (That's what the poster at the beginning is for):

Anyway, hope to see you.  Whether you're going to get the book or not, if you could drop your email into the upcoming zoop release, and share/tell your friends, I would be eternally grateful.

Thanks for all your help with this series, and your patience. Hope to see you in Georgia.



Surveys have SENT + NEWEST TAROT REVEAL! + All The White Horses
over 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 16, 2022 at 08:45:07 PM

Alright folks, it was a long time coming, but we *finally* did it. Each and every one of you has a survey in your mailbox.

If you could PLEASE fill them out as quickly as you can, and add-on as many extras as you like, there's some really cool stuff there, and Luana and I have put a TON of work into making stuff that I know you'll love.

ALSO: We've had some problems with extra charges for shipping coming from Backerkit (this time was INSANELY complicated). If there's a problem, do not hesitate to reach out to me and I'll adjust your pledge so that there is *no* extra shipping (so long as the add-ons don't significantly effect the cost.)

Now, without further ado:

 Helios/The Sun: 

"Where do you turn for inspiration? in the darkest edge of night? / Illumination guides your purpose and defines the truth inside..."

So, this I think is probably my single FAVORITE card. Who is this winged knight? Why is there a dragon? And how does he fit that hair into his helmet?

The Sun is probably the single best card to draw in a Tarot deck, and it's fitting that this character has been patterned after Rogue of The Cruxshadows...who has been kind enough to allow me to use his songs in every SWZA Kickstarter video to date.

It also dovetails really well with one of my favorite Cruxshadows songs:

I'm VERY excited about where this is going--so DEFINITELY grab yourself a copy of this unique Tarot Card. You can get it signed by BOTH of us at this year's DragonCon.

The Hierophant:

Yikes. Check out those wolf heads on the scepter

Fairytale buffs (and fans of classic campfire stories) will probably be super excited and mildly horrified to see this new Bluebearded villain. 

The Hierophant is one of those cards I knew I'd have a hard time filling with just the established cast, but thanks to YOU folks, you're going to be acquainted with him very soon. 

So, last but not least:


Fairytale rule #1: NEVER neglect a fairy.

You may remember this character from that awesome Death card from SWZA TAROT SET #2. What you might not remember is that this particular villain is based on my good friend Johanna Moresco, violinist for The Cruxshadows: 

Johanna is incredibly talented and just an all-around incredible woman to boot--so I'm very happy to have a character inspired by her on TWO Major Arcana.

All of these cards and more are available individually, or as part of the 


Only FOUR Major Arcana Left!


Finally, if all this music has you excited and wanting to check out more Cruxshadows stuff, Rogue just released a phenomenal new single called All the White Horses which can be YOURS for free (And, if you are so inclined, a suggested donation)

That's about it. Thank you for everything. I'm so excited to FINALLY be jumping into the home stretch to get this book to you!
